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Agriculture Books

検索結果 19834件中1-2
Animal Husbandry Regained The Place of Farm Animals in Sustainable Agriculture,1849714215,9781849714211

Animal Husbandry Reg ...

A. John F. Webs ...

当ショップ価格: ¥ 8152

Technology Development Assistance for Agriculture Putting Research into Use in Low Income Countries,0415827027,9780415827027

Technology Developme ...

Andrew Ward, Ia ...

当ショップ価格: ¥ 11829


We have an exclusive collection of books on agronomy (agriculture) that will help you to easily locate the agriculture related book(s).
Our comprehensive, annotated catalogue of books on agriculture covers every aspect of it. There are available a number of scholarly articles, white papers and research papers on the subject that are of utmost importance to the scientists and scholars in this discipline.
Competitive price, accurate results and timely service are our prime concerns as nothing excites us more than the satisfaction of our customers.