Towards a Sustainable Ecology Global Challenges and Local Responses in Africa and Asia : 55 Years After the Bandung Asian-African Conference 1955
出版社: | UB Press |
発売日: | 2012 |
ISBN: | 6022032741 |
ISBN13: | 9786022032748 |
重量: | 200 gms |
書誌情報: | pp. xi + 279, Illus. |
書籍タイトル "Towards a Sustainable Ecology Global Challenges and Local Responses in Africa and Asia : 55 Years After the Bandung Asian-African Conference 1955" 年発行 2012. 書籍の総ページ数 pp. xi + 279 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです UB Press.