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Sustainable Development and the Indian Economy Issues and Challenges

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Sustainable Development and the Indian Economy Issues and Challenges,8183870546,9788183870542


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Book Information

出版社:Serials Publications
重量:826 gms
書誌情報:pp. xxiii + 309, Figures, Illus., Tables, Index, Reference, Notes

書籍タイトル "Sustainable Development and the Indian Economy Issues and Challengs" 著者 Sailabala Debi. こちらの書籍が発行された年 2006. 書籍ISBN番号 8183870546|9788183870542 このタイトルは Hardback バージョンに割り当てられます 書籍の総ページ数 pp. xxiii + 309 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです Serials Publications, Centre for Multi-Disciplinary Development Research.

Currency Convertibility Indian and Global Experiences : Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Colombia,  Peru, Paraguay, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador), East and South-east Asia (Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia,  Philippines) 1st Published,8177081381,9788177081381
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