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Yoga Books

検索結果 7768件中1-2
Classical Samkhya and Yoga An Indian Metaphysics of Experience 1st Edition,0415648874,9780415648875

Classical Samkhya an ...

Mikel Burley

当ショップ価格: ¥ 11993

Yoga to Preserve Youth and Beauty 4th Impression,8129102668,9788129102669

Yoga to Preserve You ...

Bijoylaxmi Hota ...

当ショップ価格: ¥ 1330



A deep relationship of yoga to life connects one’s mind, body, soul and spirit. Browse the best selling yoga books giving details about the various asanas like padmasana, bhujangasana, samasana and many more with illustrations and step by step instructions. Also get books based on classification of yoga under bikram yoga, bhakti yoga, raja yoga, power yoga, and more for students, practitioners, teachers to reach from beginning to advanced levels.