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Computing & Internet Books

検索結果 9418件中1-3
Community, Competition and Citizen Science Voluntary Distributed Computing in a Globalized World,1409452980,9781409452980
5 %

Community, Competiti ...

Anne Holohan

定価: ¥ 8000

当ショップ価格: ¥ 7569

Foundations of Geometric Algebra Computing,3642317936,9783642317934

Foundations of Geome ...

Dietmar Hildenb ...

当ショップ価格: ¥ 12784

Space-Filling Curves An Introduction with Applications in Scientific Computing,3642310451,9783642310454

Space-Filling Curves ...

Michael Bader

当ショップ価格: ¥ 15233

Computing & Internetについて

Explore the mammoth collection of Computing and Internet Books by famous authors and publishers from all around the world. These unique books with up to date knowledge educates on various aspects like Microsoft programming, C, C++, .Net, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Web designing, Animation, coral draw, java script and much more. Browse more about computer and its language, designing, concepts, techniques with broad array of technologies from children to adult, published in South Asia, South East Asia, North America and Europe.