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How the Brain Influences Behavior Management Strategies for Every Classroom

How the Brain Influences Behavior Management Strategies for Every Classroom,1412958709,9781412958707


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Book Information

出版社:Corwin Press
重量:826 gms
書誌情報:pp. 264

書籍タイトル "How the Brain Influences Behavior Management Strategies for Every Classroom" 著者 David A. Sousa. こちらの書籍が発行された年 2008. 書籍ISBN番号 1412958709|9781412958707 このタイトルは Paperback バージョンに割り当てられます 書籍の総ページ数 pp. 264 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです Corwin Press.

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This exciting new book, written by a top-selling author at Corwin Press, will:

* Provide research on how to apply brain-compatible learning to classroom management strategies.
* Understand how neuroscience research can be utilized to improve behavior in the K-12 classroom.
* Offer specific strategies and tips for working with specific student populations, including students that are defiant, violent, attention-seeking, and inattentive in the classroom.
* Discuss how the brain is different for boys and girls and how behavior varies among cultures.
* Provide an expanded list of primary sources for those who wish to review the core research on the brain and behavior.