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Unusual DNA Structures Proceedings of the First Gulf Shores Symposium, held at Gulf Shores State Park Resort, April 6-8 1987, sponsered by the ... Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama.

Unusual DNA Structures Proceedings of the First Gulf Shores Symposium, held at Gulf Shores State Park Resort, April 6-8 1987, sponsered by the ... Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama.,0387966315,9780387966311


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Book Information

重量:916 gms
書誌情報:pp. xvi + 311, 104 Figures

書籍タイトル "Unusual DNA Structures Proceedings of the First Gulf Shores Symposium, held at Gulf Shores State Park Resort, April 6-8 1987, sponsered by the ... Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama." 著者 S.C. Harvey. こちらの書籍が発行された年 1987. 書籍ISBN番号 0387966315|9780387966311 このタイトルは Hardback バージョンに割り当てられます この書籍の出版社はこちらです Springer. 当サイトにはこちらの出版社から 98376 冊の素晴らしい書籍がございます

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