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Physics and Technology of Solar Energy Volume 2: Photovoltaic and Solar Energy Materials Proceedings of the International Workshop on Physics of Solar Energy, New Delhi, India, November 24 - December 6, 1986 Vol. 2

著者  H.P. Garg, M. Dayal
Physics and Technology of Solar Energy Volume 2: Photovoltaic and Solar Energy Materials Proceedings of the International Workshop on Physics of Solar Energy, New Delhi, India, November 24 - December 6, 1986 Vol. 2,9027725594,9789027725592


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Book Information

重量:935 gms
書誌情報:pp. 472, 52:B&W 6.14 x 9.21in or 234 x 156mm (Royal 8vo) Case Laminate on White w/Gloss L

書籍タイトル "Physics and Technology of Solar Energy, Vol. II Photovoltaic and Solar Energy Materials" 年発行 1987. 書籍ISBN番号 9027725594|9789027725592 このタイトルは Hardback バージョンに割り当てられます 書籍の総ページ数 pp. 472 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです Springer.

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