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Management of Arid Ecosystem 1st Edition

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Management of Arid Ecosystem 1st Edition,8172332173,9788172332174


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Book Information

出版社:Scientific Publishers
重量:200 gms
書誌情報:pp. viii + 514, Figures, Illus., Tables, Maps, Indices

書籍タイトル "Management of Arid Ecosystem 1st Edition" 著者 A.S Faroda. こちらの書籍が発行された年 1999. 書籍ISBN番号 8172332173|9788172332174 このタイトルは Hardback バージョンに割り当てられます こちらの書籍に付随されているもの Paperback . 書籍の総ページ数 pp. viii + 514 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです Scientific Publishers. 当サイトにはこちらの出版社から 821 冊の素晴らしい書籍がございます

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1. Natural resources and desertification: need for refinement of behavioural interpretations/R.P. Dhir
2. Drought and desertification over North West India in the perspective of Earth system climate dynamics/Nityanand Singh and N.A. Sontakke
3. Soil resource appraisal of arid eco-region of Rajasthan/R.L. Shyampura, R.S. Singh, S.K. Singh and B.L. Jain 4. Remote sensing for soil resources appraisal in arid region of Rajasthan/D.C. Joshi, N.K. Kalra and Pramila Raina
5. Landuse planning for Sustainable Development of arid ecosystem using remote sensing/Gheesa Lal and A.R. Malakar
6. Biodiversity decline in the Thar Desert during twentieth century/Ishwar Prakash

7. Conservation of Genetic diversity of arid legumes/N.K. Dwivedi, D.C. Bhandari, Neelam Bhatnagar, B.S. Dabas and K.P.S. Chandel
8. Diversity in pearl millet landraces of arid regions of Rajasthan/O.P. Yadav and V.K. Manga
9. Changing status of insect pests in arid Environment of western Rajasthan/S.K. Verma
10. A special technique for sand dune stablisation/B.S. Jhorar, H.C. Sharma, R.S. Dhillon and O.P. Nehra
11. Rehabilitation of mine wastelands in western Rajasthan/K.D. Sharma, Suresh Kumar, B.K. Sharma and L.P. Gough

12. Sustainable crop production/J. Venkateswarlu
13. Sustainable crop production strategies for Management of arid and semi-arid ecosystems/R.P. Singh
14. Alternative technologies for Sahelian crop production systems in West Africa/G.V. Subbarao, C. Renard, A. Bationo, N. van Duivenbooden and C. Bielders
15. Yield limiting factors for Pearl Millet crop in Rajasthan/B. Seeling, N.L. Joshi, K.B. Laryea and E.J. van Oosterom
16. Development of A Pearl Millet model for managing crops and croplands in the semi-arid tropics/E.J. van Oosterom, G.J. O'Leary and P.S. Carberry
17. Pearl Millet-based cropping systems of achieve sustainability in the arid region/N.L. Joshi
18. Genetic divergence in Foxtail Millet/S.R. Maloo and I. Bhattacharjee
19. Breeding approaches for increasing Pearl Millet Productivity in arid regions/V.K. Manga
20. Effect of different methods of sowing and interculture on Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L) R. Br.] production/R.K. Pal and A.K. Pathak.
21. Agronomic practices for rainfed wheat in the Indo-Gangetic plains/R.K. Singh
22. Influence of intercropping and mixed croppping sesame with Pearl Millet, greengram and Moth Bean on the incidence of insect and mite pests/D.B. Ahuja
23. Allelopathy in cropping and agroforestry systems of arid regions/Anurag Saxena, D.V. Singh and N.L. Joshi. 24. Response of Fenugreek to molybdenum and cobalt fertilisation/J.K. Jethra and M.L. Kothari
25. Productivity of chickpea with agroforestry species/M.S. Hooda, Anil Kumar and D.P.S. Nandal
26. Plant water status and C.N. and K. Distribution in potassium fertilised Mung Bean under drought and during recovery/Anita Hooda, A.S. Nandwal, M.S. Kuhad and Divya Dutta
27. Effect of external water potential on seed Germination, seedling growth and vigour index in some genotypes of sunflower/Ashok S. Sajjan, V.P. Badanur and G.M. Sajjanar
28. Meteorological parameters influencing seed production in male sterile line 863A of Pearl Millet/Ashwani Kumar, R.K. Chowdhury and Onkar Singh
29. Development of chilli, tomato, lettuce and broccoli varieties for arid zone/Daljeet Singh and S.S. Dhillon
30. Prospects of Isabgol (Plantago ovata forsk). Cultivation in Rajasthan/S.L. Godawat
31. Sustainable Agriculture in saline black soils of Semi-Arid Areas in Gujarat/I.K. Girdhar
32. Vertical distribution of DTPA-extractable Zn, Mn, Cu and Fe in dominant soil groups of Haryana/P.S. Sangwan, Badan Singh and Kuldeep Singh
33. Recent achievements on soil fertility management in the Sahelian zone of West Africa/A. Bationo, I. Mahamane, F. Seyni and Z. Hamidou
34. Influence of potassium on plant water Relations and yield of clusterbean under soil moisture stress/K.D. Sharma and M.S. Kuhad
35. Integrated nutrient management for sustainable crop production/M.A. Bellakki and V.P. Badanur
36. Ionic accumulation of seed and stage sensitivity in Brassica spp. under Saline irrigation/M.S. Kuhad, Pratibha Singh, A.S. Nandwal and Narender Singh
37. Response of Pearl Millet to inoculation with biofertilisers in the Indian arid zone/D.V. Singh, Anurag Saxena and N.L. Joshi
38. Soil fertility management under pasture and silvipasture systems/R.K. Beniwal
39. Effect of poor quality waters on nutrient uptake and performance of greengram (Vigna radiata/K.P. Tripathi and N.L. Sharma
40. Genotypic differences to salt stress in Indian mustard/B.K. Garg, S. Kathju, S.P. Vyas and A.N. Lahiri.

41. Alternative land use systems for efficient soil-water-plant management in semi-arid ecosystem/Panjab Singh
42. Alternative land use systems at different scale levels in the Sahel, West Africa: the case of Lagassagou, Mali/O. Samake and N. van Duivenbooden
43. Studies on genetic improvement of neem (Azadirachta indica A. juss)/K.R. Solanki, V.K. Gupta and P. Rai
44. Improvement and management of pasture legumes/M.P. Rajora and M.S. Yadav
45. Technology for increasing seed production of pasture grasses/M.S. Yadav and M.P. Rajora
46. Present status and future research priorities on grass seed germination in desert regions/R.S. Merita and M. Nagarajan
47. Effect of water conservation on forage yield of pasture grasses/K.C. Singh
48. Aromatic and medicinal plants for salt and moisture stress conditions/D.D. Patra, M. Anwar, Saudan Singh, A. Prasad and D.V. Singh
49. Top feed tree species performance in silvi-pastoral system of arid Alluvial soil/S.K. Sharma and B.K. Dutta. 50. UV-induced high nodulating mutants of Rhizobium sp. on prosopis cineraria/Anjly Pancholy
51. Correlations and variability in fruit characters of pomegranate/P. Viswanath, A.N. Al-Bakri and S.K. Nadaf
52. Effect of time of harvest on post-harvest behaviour of Ber fruits cv. Mundia under semi-arid conditions/M.S. Fageria, R.S. Dhaka, B.M. Sharma and K.D. Gujar
53. Micro-climatic impact on productivity of jujube cultivars under arid conditions/R.S. Singh, B.B. Vashishtha and R.N. Prasad
54. Effect of different levels of N, P, K on floral characters of Zinnia/R.S. Dhaka, M.S. Fageria and S. Mohemmed. 55. Flower and fruit development in ker [Capparis decidua (forsk.) edgew]/J.S. Shekhawat
56. Growth behaviour of two spermoplane fungi isolated from neem seed/D.K. Mishra and K.K. Srivastava
57. In vitro multiplication of phytoplasma-infected plants of arid zone/R. Raj Bhansali and S.K. Jindal
58. Host range and distribution of the Babul whitefly Acaudaleyrodes rachipora (Singh) (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) in Indian arid zone /Meeta Gaur, R. Sundararaj and S. Murugesan
59. Evaluation of forestry thrips and their damaging profiles/Shivesh Kumar, S. Murugesan and R. Sundararaj
60. Variability for seed oil, seedling characters, their relationship and breeding systems in Salvadora oleoides/S.K. Jindal, R. Raj Bhansali and Satyavir.

61. Water resources and optimal water use for sustainable agriculture/R.P. Singh
62. Maximising water-use efficiency for sustainable crop production in arid ecosystem/Y.V. Singh
63. Water management under rainfed conditions in the sahel: the case of niger/Mohamadou Gandah and William A. Payne
64. Optimisation of water use in winter wheat in Indira Gandhi canal command Area of Western Rajasthan, India/B. Saha, K.S.S. Sarma and D.K. Das
65. Evapotranspiration requirements of some arid zone crops/A.S. Rao, R.S. Singh, N.L. Joshi and Y.S. Ramakrishna
66. Moisture conservation techniques to promote tree growth in arid zone/G.N. Gupta, Sarita Mutha and N.K. Limba
67. Effect of saline water irrigation on establishment and growth of tree species of sand dunes of Haryana/Jagan Nath, B.S. Jhorar, R.P. Mor, M.L. Batra and R.S. Dhillon
68. Potential of fly Ash as a soil conditioner for desert ecosystem/M.C. Oswal, C.B. Singh and K.S. Grewal. VI. Socio-Economic Factors"
69. Socio-economic milieu and technological interventions in arid areas of Western Rajasthan/Jagdeesh C. Kalla
70. Economic significance of water use function in some desert livestock/M.S. Khan
71. Resource productivity for milk production in Arid Areas of western Rajasthan/Usha Rani Ahuja, M.L. Purohit and Gaje Singh. VII. Transfer of Technology
72. Building on farmers knowledge through participatory technology development opportunities and consequences for technology transfer/Eva Weltzien Rattunde and Mohan Dhamotharan
73. Greening sandy wastelands: the Kalyanpur experience/J.P. Gupta, S.S. Rathore and B.M. Sharma
74. Agroforestry in different ecological regions of India/R.D. Prasad and L.P. Bharara