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Scientific Horticulture, Vol 9, 2004 1st Edition

Scientific Horticulture, Vol 9, 2004 1st Edition,8172333684,9788172333683


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Book Information

出版社:Scientific Publishers
重量:200 gms
書誌情報:viii + 244 Pages, Tables

書籍タイトル "Scientific Horticulture, Vol 9, 2004 1st Edition" 著者 S.P. Singh. こちらの書籍が発行された年 2004. 書籍ISBN番号 8172333684|9788172333683 このタイトルは Hardback バージョンに割り当てられます 書籍の総ページ数 pp. viii + 244 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです Scientific Publishers. 当サイトにはこちらの出版社から 811 冊の素晴らしい書籍がございます

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1. Uptake and Distribution of Nutrient IONS in Salt Treated Seedlings of Mango Germplasm/J.K. Nigam and K.K. Misra
2. Effect of Size Grading on Quality and Storage of Mango cv. Gulab Khas/Sanjay Singh
3. Effect of Season on the Vegetative and Reproductive Attributes of Gauva cv. Kohir Safeda/Sanjay Singh
4. Fungal Spoilage of Banana in Eastern Sub-Himalayan Region/P. Boruah, P. Deka Bhuyan and R.S. Singh
5. Correlation Studies in Ber (Zizyphus Mauritiana Lamk.)/Rajesh Singh and K.K. Misra
6. Effect of IBA and NAA on Rooting of air Layers of Jackfruit (Artocarpus Heterophyllus. Lam)/A.K. Singh and G.N. Singh
7. Interaction of Non-auxinic Compounds with IBA in the Regeneration of Roots in Air-layers of Jackfruit/J.K. Hore and S.K. Sen
8. Root Distribution Pattern of Different Cultivars of Bael (Aegle Marmelos Correa) Under Tarai Condition of Uttaranchal/K.K. Misra, S.K. Singh and Rajesh Singh
9. Response of Grape Cuttings (Vitis Vinifera L.) to Plant Growth Regulators/T.S. Rawat, Jitendra Singh and Piyush Verma
10. Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Shelf Life of Pomegranate Fruits/R.N. Prasad and A.K. Bhadhawan
11. Effect of Different Methods and Dates of Grafting on Percent Budtake and Growth of Apricot Plant/A. Chauhan, M.P. Dwivedi and C.S. Tomar
12. Integrated Management of Scab Lesions, Rots and Shriveling of Apple Fruits During Storage/I.M. Sharma
13. Characterization of the Evaluation Environments and the Performance of Tomato Genotypes/Rupa Upadhyaya, Gulshan Lal and Hari Har Ram
14. Economics of Weed Control in Tomato Production/Vinod Kumar, P.R. Dharmatti and M.H. Bhagavanthgoudar
15. Interaction Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Yield and Economics of Chilli (Capsicum Annuum L.), cv. Pant C-1/Durvesh Kumar Singh and S.K. Jain
16. Management of Early Season Pests of Chilli (Capsicum Annuum L.) by Different Insecticidal Application Methods in Arid Western Rajasthan/A. Noor
17. Screening of Okra Hybrids During Rainy Season under Tarai Condition of Uttaranchal/Durvesh Kumar Singh and S.K. Jain
18. Chemical Weed Control in Drill Sown Onion/Santosh Atre, P.R. Dharmatti and R.V. Patil
19. Effect of Foliar Application of Nitrogen and Zinc on Growth and Yield of Cauliflower, Brassica Oleracea var. Botrytis L/Satyapal Singh and Prabhakar Singh
20. Studies on Genetic Variability in Winged Bean (Psophocarpus Tetragonolobus (L.) DC) for Tender Green Pod Yield and its component Characters/A. Mohamadali, M.B. Madalageri, M.S. Kulkarni, Ravindra Mulge and B.R. Patil
21. Performance of Chilli Genotypes/Durvesh Kumar Singh, S.K. Verma and S.K. Jain
22. Performance of Vegetable Mesta Genotypes During Kharif and Summer Season/S. Shobha, P.R. Dharmatti and R.V. Patil
23. Effect of Chemical Treatments on Keeping Quality and Sugar Contents in Rose and Gladiolus/Kushal Singh, Parminder Singh and Mandhir Singh
24. Studies on Variability and Genetic Parameters of Gladiolus in Kumaun Region/S.K. Verma, R.R. Arya and R.K. Singh
25. Production of Quality Rose CV. Gladiator as Influenced by Nitrogen Nutrition and Plant Density/R.R. Viradia and S.P. Singh
26. Drip Irrigation in Quality Production of Cut Roses Cv. Gladitor/R.R. Viradia and S.P. Singh
27. Postharvest Life and Quality of "Mercedes" Cut Roses as Influenced by Pulsing with D-fructose + 8-HQC, Alar and dry Cool Storage/Vinod Kumar and S.K. Bhattacharjee
28. Influence of Pulsing and Wet Cool Storage on the Postharvest Life and Quality of Golden Gate' Cut Roses/Mariam Mwangi and S.K. Bhattacharjee
29. Influence of Colouring Agents on Postharvest Life and Quality of Tuberose Cut Spikes/Vinod Kumar and S.K. Bhattacharjee
30. Role of Interchange Heterozygosity in the Adaptation of Annual Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum Coronarium Linn.) Under Semii arid Conditions/Shravani Basu and S.P. Singh
31. Variability Studies on Some Quantitative Characters in Dahlia (Dahlia Variables)/S.K. Verma, R.R. Arya and R.K. Singh
32. Studies on the Age of Explants on Callus Induction in Gerbera cv. 'Mammut'/M. Prasanth and K. Sekar.
33. Effect of Growth Retardants and Micronutrients on Growth and Yield of African Marigold (Tagetes Erecta L.) cv. 'Pusa Basanti'/Reena Mathew, L.K. Dashora and Piyush Verma
34. Evaluation of Tagetes Germplasm/S.K. Verma, R.K. Singh and R.R. Arya
35. Role of Auxins on the Vegetative Propagation of Scented Rose geranium (Pelargonium Graveolens L. Herit. cv. Egyptian) Through Herbaceous stem Cuttings/H.Y. Shukla, K.S. Negi, H.S. Manral, G.P. Pandey and A.K. Sharma
36. Estimation of Threshold Values for Jassid Amrasca Biguttula Biguttula (Ishida) on Okra Abelmoschus Esculentus (Linn.) Moench/K.C. Kumawat and S.P. Singh
37. Economic Viability of Foliar Application of Nitrogen and Zinc in Cauliflower, Brassica Oleracea Var. Botrytis L./Satya Pal Singh and Prabhakar Singh