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Examining Identity in Sports Media

Examining Identity in Sports Media,1412954606,9781412954600


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Book Information

出版社:Sage Publications
重量:446 gms
書誌情報:pp. 288

書籍タイトル "Examining Identity in Sports Media " 著者 Heather L. Hundley. こちらの書籍が発行された年 2009. 書籍ISBN番号 1412954606|9781412954600 このタイトルは Paperback バージョンに割り当てられます 書籍の総ページ数 pp. 288 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです Sage Publications. 当サイトにはこちらの出版社から 17171 冊の素晴らしい書籍がございます

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About the Editors

Heather Hundley, California State University, San Bernardino, USA
Heather L. Hundley (Ph.D., University of Utah, 1999) is a Professor at California State University, San Bernardino. She teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in mass media including media history, media and culture, media law, interpretative approaches, seminar in mass media, and digital culture. Her research interests range from issues of gender, feminism, sport, pop culture, law, and health related issues such as portrayals of alcohol consumption, cancer, and sexual promiscuity. Hundley has published in scholarly journals such as Visual Communication Quarterly, Communication Reports, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Journal of Men’s Studies, The Journal of Intergroup Relations, Journal of Popular Film and Television and American Behavioral Scientist. She has book chapters in Critical Approaches to Television, Transmitting the Past: Historical and Cultural Perspectives on Broadcasting, and Critical Thinking about Sex, Love, and Romance in the Mass Media: Media Literacy Applications.

Andrew C. Billings, University of Alabama, USA
Andrew C. Billings (PhD, Indiana University) is the Ronald Reagan Chair of Broadcasting and director of the Alabama program in Sports Communication at the University of Alabama. His research interests lie in the intersection of sport, mass media, consumption habits, and identity-laden content. He is the author and/or editor of nine books, including Olympic Media: Inside the Biggest Show on Television; his writings have been translated into five languages. Billings is also the author of over 90 refereed journal articles and book chapters in outlets such as the Journal of Communication, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Mass Communication & Society, and the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. Dr. Billings serves on many editorial boards, including the journal Communication & Sport, where he currently acts as associate editor.