Communicating Forgiveness
著者 Dr. Douglas L. Kelley, Vincent R. Waldron
出版社: | Sage Publications |
発売日: | 12-Nov-2007 |
ISBN: | 1412939712 |
ISBN13: | 9781412939713 |
形式: | Paperback |
重量: | 418 gms |
書誌情報: | pp. 216 |
書籍タイトル "Communicating Forgiveness" 著者 Dr. Douglas L. Kelley . こちらの書籍が発行された年 2007. 書籍ISBN番号 1412939712|9781412939713 このタイトルは Paperback バージョンに割り当てられます この書籍の出版社はこちらです Sage Publications. 当サイトにはこちらの出版社から 22589 冊の素晴らしい書籍がございます
Sue DeWine Distinguished Book of the Year.
* Brings a communication perspective to the forgiveness literature: No existing forgiveness book is oriented to scholars and students of communication.
* Advances theory: The book organizes and synthesizes existing forgiveness research around a descriptive communication framework, demonstrating how existing psychological research can be enriched by through the application of communication theories, including dialectical and face-management perspectives. For example, exploring how forgiveness is a process of dyadic negotiation, not just an individual’s decision.
* Features the experiences of real-life couples: Qualitative data are reported from interviews with numerous long-term married couples and several hundred forgiveness narratives provided by younger romantic partners. Anecdotes and quotes from these couples add interest and validity to the theoretical claims of the book.
* Includes a chapter on the practice of forgiveness: Most relationships require forgiveness at some point, so this book resonates with the relational experiences of most readers. The authors argue that forgiveness is not the magic relational elixir implied in much popular writing. At the same time they provide research evidence indicating that some forms of forgiving communication are better than others and that forgiveness processes must be understood if partners are to maintain their relationships through difficult periods.
* Interdisciplinary perspective: Communicating Forgiveness has a wide appeal, presenting research from the fields of psychology counseling, family studies, peace studies, conflict management, religious studies and organizational behavior.
* On the ride home: In the final chapter the authors provide a personal account of their experiences as researchers, the methodological and ethical questions they faced and the transformations that occurred in their own relationships as a result of their research.