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Schrodinger Operators, Como 1984 Lectures Given at the 2nd 1984 Session of the Centro Internationale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held at Como, Italy

Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations Proceedings of the Eighth Conference Held at Dundee, Scotland, June 25-29, 1984,3540156941,9783540156949
19 %

Ordinary and Partial ...

Brian D. Sleema ...

定価: ¥ 5450

当ショップ価格: ¥ 4396

Propagation of Singularities for Fuchsian Operators,3540122850,9783540122852
36 %

Propagation of Singu ...

A. Bove, J. E. ...

定価: ¥ 4733

当ショップ価格: ¥ 3039

Ecology and Ethology of Fishes Proceedings of the 2nd Biennial Symposium on the Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Fishes, held at Normal, Ill., U.S.A., October 19-22, 1979,906193821X,9789061938217
25 %

Ecology and Ethology ...

J.A. Ward, Davi ...

定価: ¥ 22393

当ショップ価格: ¥ 16862

Arbeitstagung Bonn 1984 Proceedings of the Meeting held by the Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn, June 15-22, 1984,3540151958,9783540151951
8 %

Arbeitstagung Bonn 1 ...

Friedrich Hirze ...

定価: ¥ 3548

当ショップ価格: ¥ 3257

Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications II Proceedings of a Conference held in Trento, Italy, February 1-6, 1988,3540515100,9783540515104

Stochastic Partial D ...

Giuseppe Da Pra ...

当ショップ価格: ¥ 6725

Probability in Banach Spaces V Proceedings of the International Conference held in Medford, USA, July 16-27, 1984,3540157042,9783540157045
23 %

Probability in Banac ...

Anatole Beck, R ...

定価: ¥ 6990

当ショップ価格: ¥ 5395

Pseudo Differential Operators,3540069615,9783540069614

Pseudo Differential ...

M. Taylor

当ショップ価格: ¥ 6693

Church Reform in 18th Century Italy The Synod of Pistoia, 1786,9024702089,9789024702084

Church Reform in 18t ...

Charles A. Bolt ...

当ショップ価格: ¥ 53836

Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications Proceedings of a Conference held in Trento, Italy, September 30 - October 5, 1985,3540172114,9783540172116
36 %

Stochastic Partial D ...

Giuseppe Da Pra ...

定価: ¥ 8292

当ショップ価格: ¥ 5299

Geometry Seminar "Luigi Bianchi" II - 1984 Lectures given at the Scuola Normale Superiore,3540160485,9783540160489
42 %

Geometry Seminar "Lu ...

Mauro Meschiari ...

定価: ¥ 8292

当ショップ価格: ¥ 4828

Pseudo-Differential Operators Proceedings of a Conference, held in Oberwolfach, February 2-8, 1986,3540178562,9783540178569
6 %

Pseudo-Differential ...

Heinz O. Cordes ...

定価: ¥ 6990

当ショップ価格: ¥ 6599

Stability Problems for Stochastic Models Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar Held in Uzhgorod, USSR, Sept. 23-29, 1984,3540159851,9783540159858
23 %

Stability Problems f ...

Vladimir V. Kal ...

定価: ¥ 6990

当ショップ価格: ¥ 5381

Precise Spectral Asymptotics for Elliptic Operators Acting in Fiberings over Manifolds with Boundary,3540133615,9783540133612
27 %

Precise Spectral Asy ...

Victor Ivrii

定価: ¥ 5450

当ショップ価格: ¥ 3999

Multifunctions and Integrands Stochastic Analysis, Approximation, and Optimization. Proceedings of a Conference held in Catania, Italy, June 1983,354013882X,9783540138822
27 %

Multifunctions and I ...

G. Salinetti

定価: ¥ 5450

当ショップ価格: ¥ 3999

Recent Mathematical Methods in Dynamic Programming Proceedings of the Conference held in Rome, Italy, March 26-28, 1984,3540152172,9783540152170
27 %

Recent Mathematical ...

Italo Capuzzo D ...

定価: ¥ 5450

当ショップ価格: ¥ 3953

Algebra. Some Current Trends Proceedings of the 5th National School in Algebra, Held in Varna, Bulgaria, Sept. 24 - Oct. 4, 1986,3540503714,9783540503712
25 %

Algebra. Some Curren ...

Luchezar L. Avr ...

定価: ¥ 5450

当ショップ価格: ¥ 4067

Sensitivity of Functionals with Applications to Engineering Sciences Proceedings of a Special Session of the American Mathematical Society Spring Meeting held in New York City, May 1983,3540138714,9783540138716
32 %

Sensitivity of Funct ...

V. Komkov

定価: ¥ 4738

当ショップ価格: ¥ 3238

Recursion Theory Week Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, West Germany, April 15-21, 1984,3540156739,9783540156734
28 %

Recursion Theory Wee ...

Heinz-Dieter Eb ...

定価: ¥ 8288

当ショップ価格: ¥ 5937

Harmonic Mappings and Minimal Immersion Lectures given at the 1st 1984 Session of the Centro Internationale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Montecatini, Italy, June 24-July 3, 1984,354016040X,9783540160403
36 %

Harmonic Mappings an ...

Enrico Giusti

定価: ¥ 7103

当ショップ価格: ¥ 4524

Stochastic Aspects of Classical and Quantum Systems Proceedings of the 2nd French-German Encounter in Mathematics and Physics, held in Marseille, France, March 28 - April 1, 1983,3540139141,9783540139140
27 %

Stochastic Aspects o ...

S. Albeverio, P ...

定価: ¥ 5450

当ショップ価格: ¥ 3999

Complete Intersections Lectures Given at the 1st 1983 Session of the Centro Internationale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held at Acireale (Catania), Italy, June 13-21, 1983,3540138846,9783540138846
34 %

Complete Intersectio ...

S. Greco, R. St ...

定価: ¥ 7103

当ショップ価格: ¥ 4659

Non-linear Partial Differential Operators and Quantization Procedures Proceedings of a Workshop held at Clausthal, Federal Republic of Germany, 1981,3540127100,9783540127109
21 %

Non-linear Partial D ...

S.I. Andersson, ...

定価: ¥ 5450

当ショップ価格: ¥ 4282

Characterization of Distributions by the Method of Intensively Monotone Operators,3540138579,9783540138570
35 %

Characterization of ...

A. V. Kakosyan, ...

定価: ¥ 4738

当ショップ価格: ¥ 3085