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Aid to Land-Surveying Embracing Chain, Compass, and Plane-table Surveying etc. 5th Revised Edition

The Produce of Rice Land, Cost of Cultivation, Land Values and other Statistics for Calculating the Revenue Demand

The Produce of Rice ...

Maung Tun Myint ...

当ショップ価格: ¥ 2129

Calculating Tables, Vol. 2 Embracing Survey Section, (Part I) Revised & Enlarged Edition

Calculating Tables, ...

J.C. Clancey

当ショップ価格: ¥ 14759

Aid to Land-Surveying, Vol. 1 Embracing Chain, Compass, Plane-Table and Theodolite Surveying, Levelling, Practical Astronomy, etc. Larged Edition

Aid to Land-Surveyin ...

J.C. Clancey

当ショップ価格: ¥ 19499