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Computational Subsurface Hydrology Reactions, Transport, and Fate

State of the Art in Computational Morphology Workshop on Systems and Frameworks for Computational Morphology, SFCM 2009, Zurich, Switzerland, September 4, 2009, Proceedings,3642041302,9783642041303
45 %

State of the Art in ...

Cerstin Mahlow, ...

定価: ¥ 14099

当ショップ価格: ¥ 7731

Mechanisms of Inorganic and Organometallic Reactions Volume 4,0306423324,9780306423321
19 %

Mechanisms of Inorga ...

M. V. Twigg

定価: ¥ 40165

当ショップ価格: ¥ 32519