Annotated Bibliography of Phytochemicals 1st Edition
著者 Amritpal Singh Saroya
出版社: | Scientific Publishers |
発売日: | 2006 |
ISBN: | 8172334494 |
ISBN13: | 9788172334499 |
形式: | Hardback |
重量: | 200 gms |
書誌情報: | pp. xii + 148, Index |
書籍タイトル "Annotated Bibliography of Phytochemicals 1st Edition" 著者 Amritpal Singh Saroya. こちらの書籍が発行された年 2006. 書籍ISBN番号 8172334494|9788172334499 このタイトルは Hardback バージョンに割り当てられます 書籍の総ページ数 pp. xii + 148 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです Scientific Publishers. 当サイトにはこちらの出版社から 821 冊の素晴らしい書籍がございます
Phytochemicals refers to chemical constituents of medicinal plants. These are curative principles of plant based remedies. Recent scientific research has demonstrated that phytochemicals have demonstrated that phytochemicals have prophylactic (diseases preventing properties). The work titled Annotated Bibliography of Phytochemicals is an attempt to assemble scientific research on phytochemicals at one stage. Phytochemicals have been arranged as per natural order (family) and pharmacological investigations mentioned. References have been quoted alongwith phytochemicals for convenience of the reader.
Amritpal Singh Saroya /amritpal-singh" Title="amritpal-singh">Amritpal Singh Saroya (1971) completed his Ayurvedic studies from Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar. He received Master degree in Alternative medicine from Open University of Complementary medicines. He was involved in trials with Ayurvedic formulations for psoriasis, leucoderma and diabetes mellitus at Shri Guru Harkrishan sahib Eye Hospital, Sohana (Ayurvedic Wing). His major work is on standardized extracts of Hypericum perforatum Linn. And Allium sativum Linn. Presently he is working as herbal Consultant for reputed Herbal Organizations. He has published articles in International journals and has six books to his credit.
Phytochemicals Studied in Angiosperms
1. Ranunculaceae
2. Magnoliaceae
3. Annonaceae
4. Menispermaceae
5. Berberidaceae
6. Nymphaeaceae
7. Papaveraceae
8. Flacourtiaceae
9. capparidadeae
10. Cruciferae
11. Fumariaceae
12. Polygalaceae
13. Sapindaceae
14. Clusiaceae
15. Hyperciaceae
16. Guttiferae
17. Tiliaceae
18. Camelliaceae
19. Malvaceae
20. Caryophyllaceae
21. Sterculiaceae
22. Byttneriaceae
23. Tamaricaeae
24. Erythroxylaceae
25. Canellaceae
26. Meliaceae
27. Rutaceae
28. Pisolithaceae
29. Corynocar[aceae
30. Pittosporaceae
31. Xanthoxylaceae
32. Simarubaceae
33. ygophyllaceae
34. Linaceae
35. Oxalidaceae
36. Geraniaceae
37. Celastraceae
38. Rhamnaceae
39. Anacadriaceae
40. Burseacae
41. Fabaceae
42. Garryaceae
43. Moringacae
44. Rosaceae
45. Portulacaceae
46. Saxifragaceae
47. Combretaceae
48. Barringtoniaceae
49. Myrtaceae
50. Lythraceae
51. Apiaceae
52. Onagraceae
53. Papayaceae
54. Turneraceae
55. Cucubitaceae
56. Datisaceae
57. Araliaceae
58. Cornaceae
59. Alangiaceae
60. Caprifoliaceae
61. Elaeocarpaceae
62. Podocapaceae
63. Myrtaceae
64. Myoporaceae
65. Coriariaceae
66. Monimiaceae
67. Rubiaceae
68. Valwerianceae
69. cactaceae
70. Asteraceae
71. Lobeliaceae
72. Campanulaceae
73. Ericaceae
74. Primulaceae
75. Plumbaginaceae
76. Weucmmiaceae
77. Apocynaceae
78. Asclepiadaceae
79. Logniaceae
80. gentianaceae
81. Convolvulaveae
82. Boraginaceae
83. Ethretiaceae
84. Myrsinaceae
85. Styracaeae
86. Symplocoaceae
87. Oleaceae
88. Jasminaceae
89. Solanaceae
90. Scorophulariaceae
91. Bignoniaceae
92. Pedialaceae
93. Acanthaceae
94. Hippocastacastanaceae
95. Verbenaceae
96. Basellaceae
97. Labiatae
98. Elaeagnaceae
99. Plantaginaceae
100. Nyctaginaceae
101. Amaranthaceae
102. Chenopodiaece
103. Dipsacaceae
104. Winteraceae
105. Polygonaceae
106. Aristolochiaceae
107. Piperace
108. Myristiaceae
109. Lauraceae
110. Lytheraceae
111. Thymelaceae
112. Loranthaceae
113. Euphorbiaceae
114. Urticaciae
115. Moraceae
116. Juglandaceae
117. Betulaceae
118. Salicaceae
119. Hippocrateaceae
120. Cannabinaceae
121. Myricaceae
122. Smilaceae
123. Orchidaceae
124. Zingiveraceae
125. Iridaceae
126. Amayrllidacae
127. Hydrophyllaceae
128. Liliaceae
129. Palmaceae
130. Dioscroreaceae
131. Acoraceae
132. Poaceae
133. Juncaceae
134. Eupomataceae
135. Ochnaceae
136. Thermopsideae
137. Cynomriaceae
138. Euptelaceae
139. Buddlejaceae
140. Stemonaceae
141. Proteaceae