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Beneficial Fungi and Their Utilization 2nd Edition

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Beneficial Fungi and Their Utilization 2nd Edition,8172330987,9788172330989


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Book Information

出版社:Scientific Publishers
重量:200 gms
書誌情報:pp. xvi + 198, Illus.

書籍タイトル "Beneficial Fungi and Their Utilization 2nd Edition" 著者 M.C. Nair. こちらの書籍が発行された年 1995. 書籍ISBN番号 8172330987|9788172330989 このタイトルは Hardback バージョンに割り当てられます 書籍の総ページ数 pp. xvi + 198 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです Scientific Publishers. 当サイトにはこちらの出版社から 821 冊の素晴らしい書籍がございます

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In this volume on Beneficial fungi and their utilization, out of the twelve articles, five are on mushrooms and the rest are by and large connected with bio - technology. From the two papers on Mycorrhizae included in this volume, one will get A Clear idea about the different types of mycorrhizal associations in crop productivity.

This volume also includes reviews on use of yeasts and filamentous fungi for single cell protein, utilization of entomopathogenic fungi for pest suppression and also use of mycoparasites in the control of plant diseases.