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Melt Chemistry, Relaxation, and Solidification Kinetics of Glasses, Vol. 170 Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 2004, Ceramic Transactions

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Melt Chemistry, Relaxation, and Solidification Kinetics of Glasses, Vol. 170 Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 2004, Ceramic Transactions,1574981919,9781574981919


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Book Information

出版社:The American Ceramic Society
重量:446 gms
書誌情報:pp. viii + 249, Illus.

書籍タイトル "Melt Chemistry, Relaxation, and Solidification Kinetics of Glasses, Vol. 170 Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 2004, Ceramic Transactions" 著者 Chandra S. Ray. こちらの書籍が発行された年 2005. 書籍ISBN番号 1574981919|9781574981919 このタイトルは Paperback バージョンに割り当てられます 書籍の総ページ数 pp. 249 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです The American Ceramic Society. 当サイトにはこちらの出版社から 214 冊の素晴らしい書籍がございます

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