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Ethnobotany of Rajasthan, India 1st Published

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Ethnobotany of Rajasthan, India 1st Published,8172331827,9788172331825


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Book Information

出版社:Scientific Publishers
重量:875 gms
書誌情報:pp. xxi + 367, 67 Figures, Tables, Indices, References

書籍タイトル "Ethnobotany of Rajasthan, India 1st Published" 著者 V. Singh. こちらの書籍が発行された年 1998. 書籍ISBN番号 8172331827|9788172331825 このタイトルは Hardback バージョンに割り当てられます 書籍の総ページ数 pp. xxi + 367 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです Scientific Publishers. 当サイトにはこちらの出版社から 821 冊の素晴らしい書籍がございます

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More than 2000 species of vascular plants play a vital role directly or indirectly in the economy and subsistence of about 42 lakhs population of tribals of the State of Rajasthan. In this Book 610 species have been dealt with which are used by the tribals for food, fodder, timber, fire-wood, tannin, dye, oil, fibre, medicine, alcohol, gum and resin etc. Besides the plants which find place in totems and taboos, the plants used in magico-religious beliefs, magico-medicines, rites and rituals and several ceremonies and household uses related to the life of tribals from birth to death have also been discussed under the species arranged alphabetically. The correct botanical name of each species is followed by the prevalent local names, short diagnostic characters, habitat and distribution in the state and flowering and fruiting period before dealing with the above mentioned uses.

The plants which find place in folk songs, proverbs, musical instruments and considered auspicious or inauspicious or landmark for routes etc have been discussed under separate heads in the end of the book. The untroductory chapters include detailed information about land and Environment of the state, the tribal populations their culture and customs, previous ethnobotanical works and methodology of present study.

Besides 67 figures of individual plants, 56 coloured photographs reflecting landscape, vegetation types, individual plants, culture and customs of tribals and plant-based household and agricultural implements have been included.

The authors would welcome any suggrestion from its readers that may be valuable in the future improvement of this book.


Dr. V. Singh born on August 15th, 1947, obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Botany from the University of Meerut during the year 1967 and 1974 respectively with specialization in Systematic Botany. Before joining Botanical Survey of India in 1975, he was the Research Fellow of CSIR at NBRI and Lecturer in a Post graduate college under Meerut University, Meerut. He is devoted to the work on the Flora and ethnobotany of Rajasthan since 1968 and has about 80 research papers to his credit dealing with taxonomy, ethnobotany, ecology, phytosociology, phytogeography, biodiversity, depleting flora and its conservation etc. He is also an author of Flora of Banswara and author and editor of 3 volumed Flora of Rajasthan besides taxonomic monographs on Indian Zygophyllaceae and genera Cassia L., Chamaecrista Moench. Senna Mill and Leucas R. Br.

Dr. R.P. Pandey born on 5th July. 1952. obtained his M.Sc. degree from the University of Rajasthan in 1973 and Ph.D. degree from the J.N.V. University, Jodhpur in 1989 with specialization in plant ecology and floristics. He has been working in Botanical Survey of India since 1974 and has research experience in the field of phylodiversity, taxonomy, floristics, ecology, monitoring of depleting plant resources and their conservation which is evidenced by more than 65 research papers and two books viz. Flora of Rajasthan (3 vols.) and Flora of Tonk district. Besides above, he has added valuable contributions in the field of ethnobotany, the revisionary and monographic studies on some Indian taxa, viz. Tamaricaceae, Trapaceae, Callitrichaceae, Haloragaceae, Boraginaceae and few genera of Lamiaceae.


1. Introduction
2. Land and Environment
3. Tribal Population, Culture and Customs :
i. Meena Tribe
ii. Bhil Tribe
iii. Garasia Tribe
iv. Saharia Tribe
v. Damor Tribe
vi. Kathodi Tribe
vii. Bhil-Meena Tribe
viii. Nomadic and Denotified Tribesn :
a. Gadulia Lohar
b. Banjara
c. Kallbelia
d. Kanjar and Bhat
e. Sansi and Nut
f. Bauria and Baghri

18. Previous Ethnobotanical Works and Present Study
19. Source of Ethnobotanical Data and Methodology
20. Ethnobotanical Enumeration of Species (Alphabetically)
21. Plants in Folk Songs
22. Plants in Proverbs
23. Plants as Landmark
24. Auspicious and Inauspicious Plants
25. Plants in Musical Instruments
26. Some More Plants in the Life of Tribals
27. Warning