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Biodiversity Endangered India's Threatened Wildlife and Medicinal Plants 1st Edition

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Biodiversity Endangered India's Threatened Wildlife and Medicinal Plants 1st Edition,8172333129,9788172333126


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Book Information

出版社:Scientific Publishers
重量:200 gms
書誌情報:xxxv + 359 Pages, Illustrations, Charts, Tables, Maps, Bibliography

書籍タイトル "Biodiversity Endangered India's Threatened Wildlife and Medicinal Plants 1st Edition" 著者 A.B. Chaudhuri. こちらの書籍が発行された年 2002. 書籍ISBN番号 8172333129|9788172333126 このタイトルは Hardback バージョンに割り当てられます 書籍の総ページ数 pp. xxxv + 359 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです Scientific Publishers. 当サイトにはこちらの出版社から 821 冊の素晴らしい書籍がございます

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Biodiversity is a much discussed subject of the present day in India in the fields of flora and fauna. Indian people of today are very much conscious and concerned about biodiversity loss and degradation of entire eco-system. The authors have collated various definitions, concepts and values of biodiversity and presented them in Charts and Short notes to make the subject perceptible to ordinary readers. For this they have chosen the medicinal plant species, birds, fish, mammals, reptiles, lizards and amphibia to highlight the biodiversity loss. They have supported their findings with adequate data and charts to nullify the much bloated conceptions that India is rich in medicinal plants and other animal resources. India needs a well-designed strategy to protect these resources. Finally the authors have summarized the Herculian efforts of the Govt. Of India-how on warfooting they have been trying to save these resources from depletion. Hope, this work will open-up new vista in the status of our resources of flora and fauna.


A. B. Chaudhuri, presently a consultant Ecologist, was a member of Indian Forest Service and served the country in various capacities. As the Director, Forest Survey of India he Conducted Inventory and Resource Assessment through Satellite Imagery and Ground Survey. He has Done Several Short-term Assignments in the National and International Fields.

D. D. Sarkar was a Mmember of State Forest Service of West Bengal and held the posts of Divisional Forest Officer and Divisional Manager in Several Divisions.


1. Introduction
2. Definitions
3. Global Biodiversity Assessment
4. Biodiversity Concept
5. Valuing Biodiversity
6. Sustainable Development : Need for Valuing Resources
7. Biodiversity and Eco-system Processes
8. Measuring Biodiversity
9. Conservation : Approaches and Researches
10. Biodiversity in Various Living Organisms
11. Restoring Biodiversity
12. A World Bank Guidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation for Biodiversity Projects

1. Floral and Faunal Resources : Face a Crisis
2. Factors Causing Depletion of Medicinal Plants
3. Loss of Habitat
4. Background History of Ayurveda
5. Status Report : Medicinal Herbs
6. Status Report : Medicinal Shrubs
7. Status Report : Climbing Medicinal Plants
8. Status Report : Medicinal Tree Flora
9. Medicinal Plants : Lacunae in Conservation and Preservation
10. Medicinal Properties of some Selected Plant Species
11. List of Potential Drug Plants

1. India's Wildlife Situation is Under Severe Threat
2. Human Population Explosion vis-a-vis Wildlife
3. Conserving Biodiversity Resources
4. Check-list (Tentative) and status of Mammalian Fauna
5. Primates
6. Pangolins
7. Status of Reptiles and Lizards
8. Amphibian Biodiversity
9. Faunal Impoverishment
10. Invertebrate Faunal Resources
11. Avifaunal (Bird) Biodiversity
12. Ichthyofaunal Biodiversity

IV. Special Site for Study of Biodiversity and Ecology : Case of Floating Island of Loktak Lake, Manipur
V. Protected Area and Sustainable Development of Indian Projects : A Review