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Numerical Challenges in Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics Joint Interdisciplinary Workshop of John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Jülich, and Institute of Applied Computer Science, Wuppertal University, August 1999

Theory and Politics / Theorie und Politik Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag für Carl Joachim Friedrich,9024711967,9789024711963
22 %

Theory and Politics ...

K. von Beyme

定価: ¥ 41586

当ショップ価格: ¥ 32560

Architektur Von Rechensystemen 1st Edition,3540553401,9783540553403

Architektur Von Rech ...

Alfons Jammel, ...

当ショップ価格: ¥ 9199

Interlinking of Computer Networks Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Bonas, France, August 28 - September 8, 1978,9027709793,9789027709790
4 %

Interlinking of Comp ...

K.G. Beauchamp

定価: ¥ 34241

当ショップ価格: ¥ 33031

Lothar Franz Von Schonborn and the Diplomacy of the Electorate of Mainz From the Treaty of Ryswick to the Outbreak of the War of the Spanish Successi,9024713463,9789024713462
16 %

Lothar Franz Von Sch ...

Richard H. Thom ...

定価: ¥ 18838

当ショップ価格: ¥ 15836

Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1979 8th Symposium, Olomouc Czechoslovakia, September 3-7, 1979. Proceedings,3540095268,9783540095262

Mathematical Foundat ...

J. Becvar

当ショップ価格: ¥ 8126