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Six Lives in Jerusalem End-of-Life Decisions in Jerusalem - Cultural, Medical, Ethical and Legal Considerations

Origin of Life Proceedings of the Third Issol Meeting and the Sixth Icol Meeting, Jerusalem, June 22 27, 1980,9027712298,9789027712295
37 %

Origin of Life Proce ...

Y. Wolman

定価: ¥ 40165

当ショップ価格: ¥ 25154

Medical Ethics in Antiquity Philosophical Perspectives on Abortion and Euthanasia,9027718253,9789027718259
7 %

Medical Ethics in An ...

P. Carrick

定価: ¥ 25947

当ショップ価格: ¥ 24249

Our Cultural Agony,9024713552,9789024713554

Our Cultural Agony

V. Vycinas

当ショップ価格: ¥ 43699