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NMR of Ordered Liquids

Statistical Mechanics of Magnetically Ordered Systems,0306110156,9780306110153

Statistical Mechanic ...

Iu A. Iziumov, ...

当ショップ価格: ¥ 31897

Ordered Algebraic Structures Proceedings of the Caribbean Mathematics Foundation Conference on Ordered Algebraic Structures, Curaçao, August 1988,0792304896,9780792304890
79 %

Ordered Algebraic St ...

Jorge Martínez

定価: ¥ 40165

当ショップ価格: ¥ 8589

Particles in Gases and Liquids 2 Detection, Characterization, and Control,0306438097,9780306438097
18 %

Particles in Gases a ...

K.L. Mittal

定価: ¥ 29502

当ショップ価格: ¥ 24145

Molecular Liquids New Perspectives in Physics and Chemistry,0792319346,9780792319344
25 %

Molecular Liquids Ne ...

José Teixeira

定価: ¥ 62676

当ショップ価格: ¥ 47053

Particles in Gases and Liquids 3 Detection, Characterization, and Control,0306444852,9780306444852
19 %

Particles in Gases a ...

K.L. Mittal

定価: ¥ 29502

当ショップ価格: ¥ 23933

Solid State NMR of Polymers,0306440156,9780306440151
55 %

Solid State NMR of P ...

L.J. Mathias

定価: ¥ 29502

当ショップ価格: ¥ 13141