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Management of Weather and Climate Risk in the Energy Industry

Management of Weather and Climate Risk in the Energy Industry,9048136911,9789048136919


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Book Information

重量:669 gms
書誌情報:pp. 378, 49:B&W 6.14 x 9.21 in or 234 x 156 mm (Royal 8vo) Perfect Bound on White w/Gloss

書籍タイトル "Management of Weather and Climate Risk in the Energy 1st Edition" 著者 Alberto Troccoli. こちらの書籍が発行された年 2009. 書籍ISBN番号 9048136911|9789048136919 このタイトルは Paperback バージョンに割り当てられます 書籍の総ページ数 pp. 330 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです Springer. 当サイトにはこちらの出版社から 98376 冊の素晴らしい書籍がございます

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1. Dr Elena Akentyeva (Main Geophysical Observatory, Russia)
2. Dr Alberto Arribas (UK Met Office)
3. Mr Paolo Bonelli (CESI RICERCA S.p.A., Italy)
4. Mr Mohammed S. Boulahya (ClimDevAfrica and Climate-Insight, Tunisia)
5. Dr Carlo Buontempo (Met Office, UK)
6. Dr Anca Brookshaw (Met Office, UK)
7. Ms Hélène Connor (HELIO International, France)
8. Dr Laurent Dubus (Electricité De France, France)
9. Prof. John A. Dutton (Prescient Weather Ltd., USA)
10. Ms Jane Ebinger (World Bank, USA)
11. Dr Martin Fischer (Metnext, France)
12. Dr Lizzie S. R. Froude (University of Reading, UK)
13. Mr John Furlow (US Agency for International Development, USA)
14. Ms Stefanie Greis (European Institute for Energy Research, Germany)
15. Prof Robert J Gurney (University of Reading, UK)
16. Ms Lucy Hancock (World Bank, USA)
17. Dr Mike Harrison (Climate-Insight, UK)
18. Mr Matteo Lacavalla (CESI RICERCA S.p.A., Italy)
19. Mr Olivier Lemaître (Météo-France, France)
20. Dr Pascal Mailier (Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Belgium)
21. Dr Axel Michaelowa (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
22. Ms Ulrike Müller (European Institute for Energy Research, Germany)
23. Mr Ken Mylne (Met Office, UK)
24. Dr Oleg M. Pokrovsky (Main Geophysical Observatory, Russia)
25. Dr Galina Rakitina (VNIIGAZ, Russia)
26. Dr Benno Rothstein (Rottenburg University, Germany)
27. Ms Jeannette Schulz (European Institute for Energy Research, Germany)
28. Dr Alberto Troccoli (University of Reading, UK and CSIRO, Australia)
29. Mr Vladimir Tsirkunov (World Bank, USA)
30. Mr Sebastian Veit (African Development Bank, Tunisia)
31. Dr Lada Vlasova (VNIIGAZ, Russia)
32. Dr Lueder von Bremen (ISET e.V., Germany)
33. Ms Laura E Williamson (HELIO International, USA)