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Desertification An Indian Scenario - An Annotated Bibliography 1st Edition

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Desertification An Indian Scenario - An Annotated Bibliography 1st Edition,8172332300,9788172332303


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Book Information

出版社:Scientific Publishers
重量:200 gms
書誌情報:pp. vi + 284, Indices, Biblio.

書籍タイトル "Desertification An Indian Scenario - An Annotated Bibliography 1st Edition" 著者 A.V. Rao. こちらの書籍が発行された年 2000. 書籍ISBN番号 8172332300|9788172332303 このタイトルは Hardback バージョンに割り当てられます 書籍の総ページ数 pp. vi + 284 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです Scientific Publishers. 当サイトにはこちらの出版社から 821 冊の素晴らしい書籍がございます

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and Others the problem of 'Desertification' is recurrent with visible evidence of its ravages in Jaisalmer, Barmer, Jodhpur and Bikaner districts. According to a recent estimate by Govt. of India, 32. 7 per cent of the country's land is affected by different degradation processes. Arid areas in our country experience an annual rainfall between 100 and 400 mm with a very high coefficient of variation ranging from 40 to 70 per cent. Low and erratic rainfall coupled with extreme temperatures and intense solar radiation (200-600 cal cm2 day 1) results in frequent crop failures and considerably affects the agricultural economy in the region. Occurrence of consecutive droughts along with high wind velocities (40 km h 1) during summers leads to wind erosion resulting in creeping of the sand dunes covering fertile agricultural lands and blocking of roads and rail tracts. Besides the poor rainfall, the sub-soil water is found at a depth of 70 to 120 m on an average. Even for drinking purposes, people have to depend mostly on rain water stored in the reservoirs and during the drought, which is quite, often in the desert, the cattle breeders and sheep farmers migrate with their herd of cattle to distant places in Search of water and fodder.

Recently an effort has been made in bringing out a publication entitled "50 years of Arid Zone Research in India : An Annotated Bibliography". The publication has been very well received by the scientists, researchers and Others working on arid zone of India. Since then a need has been felt to collect all the scattered information on various aspects of causes and consequences of desertification and measures for combating desertification at one place in the form of a book. The present publication, which contains 932 research articles, has been divided in 5 major groups. The publication running in around 280 pages has covered more than 600 authors. At the end of the publication, Author index, Keyword index and Source index have been provided which will be useful in searching the desired information very easily. All entries in this bibliography have been arranged alphabetically within one subject group but the serial numbers for all the entries are in continuation.


1. History and Status
2. Monitoring Desertification and Methodology
3. Causes of Desertification :
i. Climate
ii. Land-Use
iii. Over-Grazing
iv. Demographic and Social Conditions

4. Consequences of Desertification :
i. Land Degradation
ii. Land Forms
iii. Salinity and Alkalinity
iv. Degradation of Vegetation Resources
v. Climatic Changes
vi. Crop Productivity
vii. Socio-Economic Conditions

5. Combating Desertification :
i. Soil Conservation and Sand Dune Stabilization
ii. Water Conservation and Water Harvesting
iii. Dryland Agriculture
iv. Salinity Management
v. Integrated Pest Management
vi. Agroforestry and Silvi-Pasture Systems
vii. Afforestation and Wasteland Management
viii. Pasture Development and Management
ix. Livestock Production and Management
x. Energy Management
xi. Wild-Life Management