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Animal Biodiversity Patterns and Processes 1st Edition

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Animal Biodiversity Patterns and Processes 1st Edition,8172334303,9788172334307


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Book Information

出版社:Scientific Publishers
重量:200 gms
書誌情報:pp. xiv + 264, Figures, Tables, Maps (Partly Col.), Index, Glossary

書籍タイトル "Animal Biodiversity Patterns and Processes 1st Edition" 著者 T.N. Ananthakrishnan. こちらの書籍が発行された年 2006. 書籍ISBN番号 8172334303|9788172334307 このタイトルは Hardback バージョンに割り当てられます 書籍の総ページ数 pp. xiv + 264 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです Scientific Publishers.

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India being one of the top twelve mega biodiversity countries in the world, the increasing rate of erosion of biodiversity has been causing great concern. Because of socio-economic rate of erosion of biodiversity has to come to occupying the central stage as it holds the ‘Key to changes, biological diversity has to come to occupying the central stage as it holds the ‘Key to the maintenance of the world’. Biodiversity is a multifaceted Science bringing the ecologist and Environmentalist together resulting in an interdisciplinary subject. Issues like ecosystem dynamics, global changes and impact of the loss of biodiversity at various levels such as local, national and global levels have become important. As a result of the loss of genes, species and ecosystems, the need for conservation of biological systems has come to be increasingly recognized. The need to understand traditional ecological knowledge for managing biodiversity by the local people has also come to be appreciated. The Book therefore, attempts to provide an overall emphasis of diverse aspects of animal biodiversity, including soil, vectors of animal and plant diseases, agro ecosystem diversity, forest biodiversity, marine, fresh water and island biodiversity. The impact of taxonomy, biotechnology and remote sensing, besides the conservation and Management of biodiversity has also been briefly discussed.


Prof. T.N.Ananthakrishna was Director of the Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata and Director of the Entomological research Institute, Chennai and earlier as Professor of Zoology His wide research experience spans over 55 years and his contributors to sevarl areas of Entomology and General Ecology are well known. He has more than 400 publications including over 25 books. He has been a recipient of several national awards such as: the Kidwai Award of ICAR, the Pitamber Pant Award of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, the K.C. Mehta Award of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Sundarlal Hora Medal of the Indian National Science Academy and the J.C. Bose Award of the Indian Science Congress. He is a fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, fellow of the Indian National Science Academy and fellow of the national Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Prof. K.G. Sivaramakrishnan is a renowned Aquatic Entomologist, Internationally known for his work on aquatic insects, notably Ephemeroptera. A recipient of the Rockfeller Fellowship, he was associated with experts at the Florida State University, Tallahassee and the University of California at Berley. As professor of Zoology at the Madhura College, Madurai for more than three decades, he has inspired several researchers in the field of AQUATIC Entomology an has participated in several national Seminars and Workshops on Biodiversity, he has been a recipient of the State teachers Award.


List of Illustrations

1. Biodiversity : Dimensions and Implications
2. Biodiversity : Values, generation and Maintenance
3. Patterns of Biodiversity
4. Functional Aspects of Biodiversity
5. Genetic Diversity and Phenotpic Plasticity
6. Nutrient Cycles and Soil/ Litter Biodiversity
7. Host-Parasiter-Vector Biodiversity
8. Insect Biodiversity and Nature of Insect-Plant Interactions
9. Biodiversity in Agroecosystems
10. The Tropical Forest Scenario
11. Marine Biodiversity
12. Fresh Water Biodiversity
13. Island Biodiversity
14. Taxonomy and Biodiversity
15. Biodiversity and Biotechnology
16. Remote Sensing and Biodiversity
17. Conservation and Management of Biodiversity
18. Intellectual Property Rights
19. Biodiversity : The Future Scenario