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A Comparative Grammar of the Indo Germanic Languages A Concise Exposition of the History of Sanskrit, Old Iranian (A Vestic and Old Persian), Old Armenian, Old Greek, Latin, Umbrian-Samnitic, Old Irish, Gothic, Old High German, Lithuanian and Old Bulgarian 5 Vols. 2nd Edition

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A Comparative Grammar of the Indo Germanic Languages A Concise Exposition of the History of Sanskrit, Old Iranian (A Vestic and Old Persian), Old Armenian, Old Greek, Latin, Umbrian-Samnitic, Old Irish, Gothic, Old High German, Lithuanian and Old Bulgarian 5 Vols. 2nd Edition


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Book Information

出版社:Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office
重量:3075 gms
書誌情報:pp. 2319, Abbreviations

書籍タイトル "A Comparative Grammar of the Indo Germanic Languages A Concise Exposition of the History of Sanskrit, Old Iranian (A Vestic and Old Persian), Old Armenian, Old Greek, Latin, Umbrian-Samnitic, Old Irish, Gothic, Old High German, Lithuanian and Old Bulgarian 5 Vols. 2nd Edition" 著者 Joseph Wright. こちらの書籍が発行された年 1972. 書籍の総ページ数 pp. 2319 (ページ) この書籍の出版社はこちらです Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office.

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